Tuesday 23 March 2010

Big Breakfast

On Saturday we held a charity breakfast event to raise funds for The Friends of Bonou. The menu consisted of a full English breakfast with all the trimmings, cinnamon and raisin swirls, croissants, pain au chocolate, toast and fruit salad with Greek yoghurt! We were also selling home made cup cakes and marmalade. We raised £736 at the event, so it was certainly worth all the hard work and I was extremely good until about 12:00 pm when starvation took over and I tucked into the full English, followed by two cup cakes with butter cream icing and a bowl of fresh fruit salad with Greek yoghurt. (I have decided I am an all or nothing kinda girl!) I have not weighed myself for two weeks and was intending to do so on Monday morning (yesterday), but decided to leave it another week.

To de Lisi or not to de Lisi

I heard today that Ben de Lisi had design a hosptial gown that is not backless and preserves a patients modesty. However, this is not going to be available until next year. So now I have a dilemma - do I wait until 2011 to have my operation or do I just go for the white backless number and leave my dignity at the hospital entrance and pick it up again when I am discharged?

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Orthodox Eating?

On Saturday I met a Moldovan who is a practising Orthodox and has given up meat, fish and dairy for lent. 40 days of effectively depriving yourself of protein, which is an essential part of our everyday diet. He mentioned that by the end of the 40 days he feels very tired and weak, confirming my view that we need to eat a well balanced diet. It seems to me that this practise is very "unorthodox" as well as being unhealthy.

Monday 8 March 2010

Muffin Top!

....I hate that look! You see young girls wandering around with their "muffin tops" hanging over their trousers and it is not an attractive sight. But yesterday I could do up my lovely Paige jeans and was so pleased I spent the day wandering round the house with a "muffin top". At least I didn't subject friends and neighbours to this frightening sight. I am looking forward to being able to wear them out in public; just have to work on removing the muffin top!

Thursday 4 March 2010

Charitable Action

I went in to the office today. Big deal you may be thinking, but for me it is quite an event as I am home based and only go in maybe once or twice a month. Whilst making coffee I noticed a box on the work surface containing a variety of sweets. All the profits from the sale of the sweets go to Marie Curie Cancer Care. The curious me thought "I'll just have a look and see what's there." The piggy me thought "Oh! Chocolate peanuts - I love them!" It would have been very uncharitable of me not to buy a packet and enjoy everyone of those lovely chocolate covered nuts!

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Cup Cake Heaven

This week I am making cup cakes. They are not for my consumption but are being frozen to sell at a charity breakfast. "Will Power" has been great: he has supported me through that moment when you bag them to put into the freezer and decide, "perhaps I'll try just one", in that misguided thought that you need to make sure they taste good. Its a recipe you have used many times before but somehow you need to convince yourself that you have not made a duff batch. The problem is that one is generally not enough for me - pig and trough come to mind.

I have made three batches now and have not eaten a single crumb. Thank you "Will Power", I appreciate your support...

Tuesday 2 March 2010

"A Short Break"

I treated myself to a short break yesterday when I checked in to "Hotel Chocolat" for a few hours. I wasn't alone, I was joined by Keith (my husband) and Freya (my little granddaughter). It was my intention to maybe have one or two a day, but the chocolate is so good, it is impossible to do this. Even Freya - who is only two and four months - commented "I love this chocolate Nana, it delicious!" We checked out at about 9.00 pm...